
Here you will find our guidelines for the sponsorship activities of Wild West Gourmet. We are committed to supporting our local community through sponsorships of local events, charities, and clubs.

This applies to all sponsorship requests received by our business.

Sponsorship Criteria

We consider sponsorship requests that align with our business values and objectives. Preference is given to local events, charities, and clubs that contribute positively to our local community.

Application Process

All sponsorship requests must be submitted through our web form (below). Requests received through other channels will not be considered. The web form allows us to efficiently review and respond to all requests.


Each sponsorship request will be evaluated based on its alignment with our business values, the potential benefits for our community, and our available resources. We reserve the right to decline any sponsorship request that does not meet these criteria.

Sponsorship Agreement

If a sponsorship request is approved, a formal agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the sponsorship may be prepared, and may require both parties to sign before the sponsorship is finalised.


This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it continues to meet our business needs and community expectations.

Sponsorship Application

Sponsorship Requests

Max. file size: 256 MB.
Upload any supporting information (if required)

Contact Us

If you have non-sponsorship related questions, we're more than happy to answer them. Please fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Please note that sponsorship requests put through this form, or directly to our email will not be considered.

Get in touch


info@wildwestworcester.co.nz | +64 9 945 5074
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